
classic meets electronic
tonhalleLATE with Frank Strobel and Kon Faber
Bruckner cycle
Bruckner's 9th Symphony on CD
ACS Travel
Travel with us to Madrid, Hamburg and Essen
Concert recording: Beethoven's overture "The Consecration of the House"
Concert recording: Beethoven's Symphony No. 2
Concert recording: Tüür's «Lux Stellarum»
Berlioz' "Symphonie fantastique" – "Classical classic"
ICMA Award
«The best symphonic recording of the year»
Concert recording: Mendelssohn's "Lobgesang"
Mendelssohn cycle
Mendelssohn symphonies on CD
Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 – "Classic of the Classics"
Concert recording: Bruckner's Symphony No. 3