Chamber Music Matinee

Chamber Music Matinee

Chamber Music Matinee

Sun 24. Sep 2023 11.15 Kleine Tonhalle
Lucija Krišelj Violine
Amelia Maszonska-Escobar Violine
Sarina Zickgraf Viola
Ewa Grzywna-Groblewska Viola
Paul Handschke Violoncello
Benjamin Nyffenegger Violoncello
Johannes Brahms Streichsextett Nr. 1 B-Dur op. 18
Pjotr I. Tschaikowsky Streichsextett d-Moll op. 70 «Souvenir de Florence»


24. Sep 2023, 11.00 Uhr
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kinder- und Jugendtheater Metzenthin.
Um Anmeldung wird gebeten.
Mehr Informationen zur Kinder-Matinee finden Sie hier.

Prices CHF 40
Programme Notes
Kammermusik-Matinee 24. Sep 2023

"In the River" is the theme of the chamber music matinees this season. For their first matinee programme, our violinists Lucija Krišelj and Amelia Maszonska have formed a sextet from the orchestra for the works of Brahms and Tchaikovsky: "Just as rivers shape the landscape, being part of the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich has shaped our lives. We have therefore decided to bring our friends together for a programme of flowing music. To do justice to our youthful temperament and desire to play virtuoso music, we didn't hesitate to include a 'ka-boom' element with Tchaikovsky's 'Souvenir de Florence'."

Translated with DeepL.com