«What do you think, ocean?»: Plucked instruments introduce themselves

«What do you think, ocean?»: Plucked instruments introduce themselves

Illustration: Jil Wiesner

«What do you think, ocean?»: Plucked instruments introduce themselves

Sun 19. Nov 2023 11.00 GZ Affoltern
Sarah Verrue Harfe
Maria Efstathiou d'Episcopo Gitarre
Sabine Bierich Moderation, Dramaturgie
Anna Nauer Ausstattung
Was denkst du, Ozean? Zupfinstrumente stellen sich vor
Musik von Daniel Hess
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Gemeinschaftszentrum Affoltern
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Stiftung Zürcher Gemeinschaftszentren

In this concert, besides the beauty and diversity, we also learn that the sea is in danger: rubbish, oil, mass fishing, shipping, nuclear testing. We realise: the better off the sea, the whole of nature, the better off we humans are too.

From 4 years

Advance booking only at GZ Affoltern
Children CHF 8
Adults CHF 12