Film Concert – «Chaplin in Concert – With a Smile»

Film Concert – «Chaplin in Concert – With a Smile»

© Roy Export S.A.S.

Film Concert – «Chaplin in Concert – With a Smile»

Fri 07. Jul 2023 19.30 Grosse Tonhalle
Sat 08. Jul 2023 18.30 Grosse Tonhalle
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich
Frank Strobel Conductor
"Chaplin in Concert – With a Smile" Das Konzert enthält u.a. Chaplins eigene Kompositionen sowie Filme, die noch nie in einem Konzert zu sehen waren, zusammen mit Stummfilmklassikern
(u.a. «Limelight», «The Great Dictator», «City Lights», «Modern Times»)
"Chaplin in Concert – With a Smile"
Prices CHF 90 / 75 / 55 / 40 / 30
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Europäischen FilmPhilharmonie
Programme Notes
With a Smile – Chaplin in Concert
News & Geschichten
«Misfits» im Film
News & Geschichten
Why Chaplin Invented Elegant Music for «The Tramp»
News & Geschichten
Intro mit Frank Strobel zu Charlie Chaplin
Trailer Chaplin in Concert

The Züri Fäscht will take place from 07 to 09 July. Please plan enough time for your journey.
We recommend leaving your car or bike at home and using public transport.

If you want to continue partying on the terrace of LUX Restaurant Bar after the concert, you can find the tickets here.

Charlie Chaplin had musical talents among many others. He played the violin and cello and managed to translate Brahms' "Hungarian Dance" No. 5 into a ravishing shaving scene in "The Great Dictator". Above all, he could whistle: He did that whenever he had an idea for a film score - because writing music, he had to leave that to others. "Nothing is more exciting than hearing a melody you composed yourself played by a 50-piece orchestra for the first time," he once said. This film symphonic project is also exciting, with Chaplin classics and rarities - and of course the corresponding live music.

A production of the European Film Philharmonic – EFPI under licence from Roy Export SAS and Bourne Co. Music Publishers

Translated with DeepL.com