Holly Choe (Foto: Melf Holm)

Holly Choe – Assistant Conductor 2021/22

Holly Choe is Paavo Järvi's Assistant Conductor in the 2021/22 season and conducts the family concert «Robin Hood's Adventures» as well as the final concert of the Chamber Music for Children.

The close cooperation with Paavo Järvi offers the young conductor Holly Hyun Choe an unique opportunity to deepen what she has already learned. The exchange of ideas with musicians and the management gives new insights into a cultural enterprise.

Holly Hyun Choe is the Music Director of the Orchesterverein Wiedikon and the University of St. Gallen Alumni Symphony Orchestra. She is also a conducting fellow in the German Music Council’s Dirigentenforum (2018), one of the Award Recipients of the Marin Alsop Taki Concordia Conducting Fellowship (2019), and a fellow for the Peter Eötvös Foundation Mentoring Program (2020). ​ Recently, she finished her orchestral conducting Master's Degree at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste with Johannes Schlaefli.

Holly has participated in masterclasses with conductors including Bernard Haitink, Neeme Järvi, Paavo Järvi, Kristjan Järvi at the Pärnu Festival, Jaap van Zweden at Gstaad Menuhin Festival, Sylvia Caduff, Simone Young, and Teodor Currentzis being featured on the SWR Currentzis LAB. While studying at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), she conducted several professional orchestras such as the Trondheim Symphony, Heidelberg Symphony, Gstaad Festival Orchestra, Brandenburg Symphony, Picardie Orchestra, and the Hofer Symphony.

News about Holly Choe


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Sun 19. Mar

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Sun 19. Mar

Familienkonzert – Robin Hoods Abenteuer

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Kammermusik für Kinder – Abschlusskonzert

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Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, Holly Hyun Choe Conductor, Tom Tafel Schauspiel, Lukas Schmocker Regie Korngold
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Familienkonzert – «Robin Hoods Abenteuer»

Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, Holly Hyun Choe Conductor, Tom Tafel Schauspiel, Lukas Schmocker Regie Korngold
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