Série jeunes: Vanessa Porter

Série jeunes: Vanessa Porter

Vanessa Porter (Foto: Oliver Look)

Série jeunes: Vanessa Porter

Mon 06. Nov 2023 19.30 Kleine Tonhalle
Vanessa Porter Perkussion
Daniel Mudrack Elektronik
"folie à deux"
Vanessa Porter «folie»
Emil Kuyumcuyan «Shapes» für Vibraphon
Vinko Globokar «?Corporel» für Bodypercussion
David Lang «The Anvil Chorus»
Georges Aperghis «The Messenger» für Zarb und Stimme
«Le Corps à corps» für Zarb und Stimme
Alexander Sandi Kuhn «À Deux» Solowerk für Vibraphon
Prices CHF 40
Programme Notes
Série jeunes: Vanessa Porter
News & Geschichten
No Fabric Between Skin and Hand

Folie à Deux describes a mental disorder in which an actually healthy person adopts the delusions of a close person suffering from psychosis and eventually shares the same delusion. Over time, the two reinforce each other's convictions.

Together with the sound director Daniel Mudrack, the award-winning percussionist and performance artist Vanessa Porter has developed a concept entitled "Folie à Deux", which depicts the emotions of those affected through music, improvisation, live loops and sound installations in order to bring more attention to the still very unknown clinical picture.

What interests Vanessa Porter are sound and physicality, skin and haptics: she is interested in exploring boundaries. This is not always beautiful, but fragile and direct. She wants to prove that a continuous, hour-long programme without intermission or applause requires, above all, full physical engagement: "There's hissing and whispering, there's scratching, rubbing and also hitting," says Porter. Just as if someone were exploring their body for the first time. She uses her own music as well as works by Georges Aperghis, Salvatore Sciarrino, Alexander Sandi Kuhn, David Lang, Emil Kuyumcuyan and Vinko Globokar.

Translated with DeepL.com