Literature and Music: Delia Mayer reads Kafka

Literature and Music: Delia Mayer reads Kafka

Delia Mayer (Foto: Ayse Yavas)

Literature and Music: Delia Mayer reads Kafka

Sun 09. Jun 2024 11.15 Kleine Tonhalle
Matvey Demin Flöte
Martin Frutiger Oboe
Michael Reid Klarinette
Hans Agreda Fagott
Paulo Muñoz-Toledo Horn
Delia Mayer Lesung
Reiner Stach Einführung
Pavel Haas Bläserquintett op. 10
Jiří Pauer Bläserquintett
Jindřich Feld d.J. Bläserquintett Nr. 2
Franz Kafka Auszüge aus «Der Verschollene»
Prices CHF 40
Organizer Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich AG
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Literaturhaus Zürich
Programme Notes
Literatur und Musik: Delia Mayer liest Kafka

Who is this Karl Rossmann, probably the most unknown of all Kafka's heroes, and probably the most awkward? It is time to rediscover him, and appropriately so on the centenary of Franz Kafka's death – he himself was never in America, so the unfinished novel does not have much to do with the country, but with the desire to tell stories. How strongly Kafka was influenced by silent film is evident in the absurd and fast-paced dialogue, while our naïve good-for-nothing Karl Rossmann stumbles from one absurd situation to the next. Whether the composer Pavel Haas and Kafka knew each other is not confirmed – in any case, they shared the feeling of an endless acceleration of the world. Also to be heard: Jiří Pauer's wind quintet.

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