Eingangshalle (Foto: Georg Aerni)


The Tonhalle Zurich is barrier-free accessible.

The auditorium floor of the Grosse and Kleine Tonhalle is accessible via a lift, which is located between the entrance hall and the vestibule on the left side..

Number of wheelchair spaces

In the Grosse Tonhalle there are 8 wheelchair spaces in the stalls.
In the Kleine Tonhalle, 3 wheelchair spaces are available in the stalls.
Please register at least four days before the concert.


Toilets for the disabled are located throughout the building, for example directly next to the lift after the entrance hall or at the end of the Tonhalle Vestibule.

Parking spaces and access

There are 8 handicapped parking spaces on Gotthardstrasse, 6 of which are directly to the right of the entrance to the Tonhalle Zürich (entrance T) and 2 of which are on the opposite side of the street.