Cosmos of chamber music: Belcea Quartet

Cosmos of chamber music: Belcea Quartet

Belcea Quartet (Foto: Maurice Haas)

Cosmos of chamber music: Belcea Quartet

Sun 22. Jun 2025 17.00 Kleine Tonhalle
Belcea Quartet
Corina Belcea Violine
Suyeon Kang Violine
Krzysztof Chorzelski Viola
Antoine Lederlin Violoncello
Arnold Schönberg Streichquartett Nr. 1 d-Moll op. 7
Pause Ludwig van Beethoven Streichquartett Nr. 14 cis-Moll op. 131
Prices CHF 85 / 55 / 30
Programme Notes
Belcea Quartet

The Belcea Quartet is a regular guest in our programmes. This time, the four musicians are performing string quartets by Beethoven and Schönberg – composers they have been working with for a long time. They have released a complete recording of the Beethoven quartets, and in this concert they present his op. 131, a work that he obviously worked on particularly extensively: More than 600 pages of sketches have been preserved. Schönberg's Quartet No. 1 is also a key piece: it was written in 1905, and although it is officially in D minor, the music already suggests that this tonal language would soon develop in the direction of atonality.

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