Mahler Cycle
After a brilliant start with Mahler's Fifth, we will continue the Mahler cycle in the 2024/25 season.
We will now continue with the First and Seventh Symphonies. This will broaden our view of Mahler's symphonic oeuvre.
"In this way, we are fanning out Mahler's oeuvre: We are adding the young Mahler and the later Mahler who has already emerged in the Fifth to the picture we have gained with Mahler's Fifth," says Paavo Järvi.
And we take Mahler's symphonies with us when we are travelling: In September we're playing Mahler's Symphony No. 1 at the Lucerne Festival; and in October we have the Symphonies No. 1 and No. 7 on the programme when we're on tour in Spain.
In this interview with Paavo Järvi, you can find out more about the Mahler cycle, his great role models - and how bored stockbrokers changed his life.
You can find even more news and stories about our Mahler cycle here.
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