Family concert: The villains on their way to Umbidu

Family concert: The villains on their way to Umbidu

Illustration: Jil Wiesner

Family concert: The villains on their way to Umbidu

Sun 18. May 2025 11.15 Grosse Tonhalle
Sun 18. May 2025 14.15 Grosse Tonhalle
Mon 19. May 2025 10.00 Grosse Tonhalle
Die Schurken
Martin Schelling Klarinette
Stefan Dünser Trompete, Piccolo-Trompete
Martin Deuring Kontrabass
Goran Kovačević Akkordeon
Sara Ostertag Konzept, Regie
Clara Schürle Regieassistenz
Christian Schlechter Bühne, Ausstattung
Severin Mahrer Lichtdesign
Die Schurken unterwegs nach Umbidu Ein inszeniertes Konzert über die Suche nach einem Ort, an dem jede*r glücklich ist.
Musik von J. S. Bach, H. Purcell, E. Satie u.a.
Prices CHF 35 / Kinder bis 12 Jahre: CHF 10
Organizer Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich AG

On a cold, uncomfortable evening, a couple of odd characters meet under a bridge. They are not fans of big words and none of them really knows where they are actually heading. But somehow the four loners sense that they can achieve something together. They soon realise that it's not just melancholy that unites them: One has a trumpet with him, the next an accordion, the third a clarinet and the fourth a full-blown double bass.
Through music, they get to know each other from their charming, witty side - and they develop a plan: together they go in search of the place where everyone is supposed to be happy - Umbidu. With music by Bach, Purcell and Ligeti, the goal gets closer and closer - because when you realise that you can do something really well, you end up feeling pretty cool.
With wacky improvisations, delicate noises, wild sounds and a fascinating fantasy language, they tell of their experiences on the way to Umbidu. A concert about dreaming without words.

A co-production of KölnMusik, with Lucerne Festival, the Philharmonie
Luxembourg, the Bregenz Festival and Jeunesse Austria.

From 5 years
The concert lasts approx. 1 hour.